Trish Foti

Message from the Artist:

Hi Friends,
The world is certainly changing and we have all had quite the year but, God always provides! I'm thrilled to be singing and doing some vocal coaching in this post-covid world. This past year has certainly reaffirmed how much we need the arts.
I can't wait for the return of more live music! I'm working on a love song project
and can't wait to share it with you.
I was delighted to sing and present a lecture at the annual National Pastoral Musicians Convention in July of 2021, O, how I have missed my fellow musicians! ❤️
So grateful to be doing plenty of vocal coaching. So thankful for zoom, which is letting me tend to some important clients in LA, on cruise ships, and locally here in NOLA. Thrilled to be vocal coaching on AMC's "Interview with a Vampire" and excited for "Tall Girl 2" which I coached back in April to premiere in 2/2022.
Hope to see you from the stage! Stay safe!